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Frequently asked questions for commercial unit owners & tenants:

1. What are the contact details of the Management office? The management office is located at level 3A of the residential tower. Phone number: 07-509 7776, email:

2. What kind of bills do I need to pay and to whom?

a) Water: the bills are being issued by the building Management latest by the 14th of every second month and cover the 2 previous months (e.g. the water bill for January and February will be with you latest by the 7th of March). You have 30 days to pay the invoice (after that penalty interest applies).

b) Waste water/ sewerage: you will receive a bill from IWK for this.

c) Chilled Water (air conditioning): starting April 2019 (for the period Jan to Mar 2019) the Chilled Water bills are being sent out by UEM Land Berhad / Nusajaya DCS Sdn Bhd. Bills will from then on be sent on a monthly basis. For complaints please contact UEM Land on 07-2773700 or email to .

d) Electricity: the electricity bills are coming monthly from Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). You can find them in your letterbox. Any issues with the TNB billing please contact TNB directly: 15454 or visit their website: 
If you are on a temporary electricity supply with approval from the JMB you will be invoiced by the Management until such time that a TNB meter has been fitted or the JMB revokes the temporary supply approval.

e) Maintenance fees and sinking fund contributions: These are being invoiced by the building Management latest by 14th of every month in advance (e.g. the January charges will be invoiced in January), you have 14 days to pay from receiving the notice, plus an additional 14-17 days grace period depending on the number of days in the particular month (after that penalty interest applies).  

f) Fire insurance: The annual fire insurance for the building is being taken out by the Joint Management Body (JMB) each year. The premium used to be charged back to every owner according to their share unit in the overall development. However, during the 4th Annual General Meeting on 2 Oct 2021 the JMB has decided to include the fire insurance in the Maintenance Charges, which means the owners will no longer be back-charged.

g) Cukai Petak (Parcel Tax) [formerly known as Quit rent / cukai tanah / land tax / property tax]:
Background: this State Tax used to be paid for by the Joint Management Body (JMB) once a year. Before 2021 the JMB paid this amount and back charged each owner together with the fire insurance. From 2021 to 2024 the Quit Rent was paid for by the JMB as part of the maintenance fees and no longer back charged.
Cukai Petak: effective 2025 a new system has been put into place by the Johor state government and Quit Rent (Cukai Tanah) has been replacement with Parcel Tax (Cukai Petak) which each strata owner needs to pay by themselves to the Johor state government. This is a yearly tax and due latest by 31 May of each year. You can pay this tax:
- at the Counter of the Land Office (Pejabat Tanah at Kota Iskandar just next to Puteri Harbour);

- online via JohorPay (from 1 Feb 2025):

h) Council tax (cukai harta / assessment): the City Council (Majlis Berbandaran Iskandar Puteri, MBIP) invoices 2 times a year (January and July) and the invoices have to be paid by 28 February and 30 August respectively.

MBIP has introduced a new e-payment system called eKhidmatan. This application does not currently show the actual invoice but it shows any outstanding amount and you can make payment via the app.

​> ​For this to work, you need your cukai harta bill. MBIP sends them out every 6 months. Or if you have an old bill just use the account number and bill number from the old bill (they both don't seem to change). In addition you need the passport number you used when the property was registered (this might be your old passport number).​

> Simply click this link:
Please note this seems to only work with a Firefox browser.

Alternatively (the easier option and somehow works better), search for 'eKhidmatan' in your mobile phone / tablet App store and download the app.

In either case, you will need to register for an account.

If you haven't received any bill, this might be for one of the following reasons: 

(1) When you purchased your property, your lawyer did not register the transfer of the property with MBIP. To register the transfer you can either ask your lawyer or you can visit to the main MBIP office in Skudai: MBIP, Jalan Bertingkat Skudai, Skudai, 81300, Johor, Malaysia. You can find more info about the failure to register a transfer of ownership at the bottom of the following web page:

(2) The other reason could be that your mailing address is outdated (i.e. you have moved) and the Cukai Harta bill gets send to your old address. To correct the address on record simply call MBIP's Pn Rafidah 07-5555041 (or the general number 5555000) and mention your address or cukai harta account number. She will amend the record for you. You can also try to email

The city council staff are usually very helpful, but if you encounter any language issues please ask your friendly management team who will be happy to help if they can.


© 2018 - 2025 by Badan Pengurusan Bersama Imperia (JMB 00089). 

Please click here for our payment terms.

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